We had our final class in the inaugural Woman’s Compass Forum. The feedback and results were amazing and we heard over “KNOWLEDGE IS POWER”. The testimonials are here but I wanted to share more specific results and progress the women made. Learn from them and join us for the next Woman’s Compass Forum starting 9/8! Early bird fee until Aug 11! Classes were held at 12pm EST and participants said it was the best part of the week to learn more and expand knowledge.
Knowledge is Power.
Know when you can retire and how much to save every year and on a monthly basis
Started investing more
Felt more confidence in how to monitor retirement savings
Found an old pension of $20,000
Fixed mistakes on credit report
Saved $50/month on cable bill
Found mistakes on monthly credit card bill!
Switched investments to Fidelity and saved on fees
Did a crystal clear three-month snapshot going forward
Got a higher rate on an online savings account
Started using ACORNS and love it!
Really learned about mutual funds: Morningstar ratings and expense ratios
Opened and funded a SEP IRA and Roth IRA.
Get a AAA membership. Besides obvious car safety- lots of great discounts. Also, AARP if you are over 50 (yes some of us are…)
Many participants bought Suze Orman’s Will and Trust kit which is a GREAT first step to creating, updating your will, and legal documents.
Checked beneficiaries on all accounts. Found mistakes!
Made a photo list of assets for will
Watched our legal webinar videos with spouses
Got health care proxy forms filled out
Took a closer look at term life insurance policy
Got bigger fireproof safe box for artwork and larger assets
Set advance directives
Met with an estate planning attorney
One participant said she finally wakes up rested! From creating a sleep journal to holistic sleep supplements
Feeling “less guilty” in taking care of herself and personal needs
Cleaning out food pantry
Activated a sleep schedule
Adding more yoga to daily schedule - especially breathwork
The class creates habits and keeps you accountable
Got more steps and started walking 3 1/2 miles a day
Meditated every morning for 10 minutes every day! Positive words in and negative words out
Didn’t exercise before and now walking every day!
Reminder not to use quarantine as a reason to eat unhealthy - no more frozen pizzas!
Got a recommended sleep mask so sleeping better and allowing natural light when necessary
Want these results for yourself? And create your own community? Register for next Woman’s Compass Forum starting Sept 8!