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Tuesday Takeaways: Legal

Woman's Compass Forum


We have too much to worry about these days. TOO. MUCH. WORRY. How do we filter it all in a manageable, sanity-preserving way? Before turning to the couch for Netflix and Halloween candy, try one (or both) of these two tested strategies. First, focus only on the intersection of what matters and what you can control. Does the thing you're worrying about really matter? Insta "likes," a social snub or bad haircut are not going to save lives or change lives, so probably not. Voting, paying your bills and preventative health care, on the other hand, definitely do. The second part of the equation - what you can control - is equally important. At the end of the day, we can't control the gloomy weather, so try to ride it out and shift your focus elsewhere.

The second strategy is a key part of the transformative power of Woman's Compass Forum. It involves chunking the vast universe of possible information into 3 types: "what we already know," "what we know we don't know," and "what we don't know we don't know." We don't really need to worry about the first two; we know enough to be see red flags, and we're resourceful enough to find help if we need it. The last category - the important stuff we don't know we don't know - is where to focus. That's where WCF comes in. By shining a light on the stuff you didn't know you didn't know - we help you turn them into actionable items or, at very least, things to tuck away in your to-do-someday file.

Legal is the area where this really comes into play. We don't learn about advance directives or health care proxies in high school and they're not the topic of dinner table conversation. It's understandable -- law is highly specialized, procedural, and (umm) kinda dry. But having these documents -- and the conversations that precede them! -- definitely (1) matter, (2) are in your control, and (3) are something many people don't know about or realize they need.

  I covered this and more on Tuesday. While it was a lot of new information for many of our participants, it was doled out in easily digestible bite sized pieces. It's all about understanding what you have to protect (financially and otherwise) and learning how to protect it. And it's all filtered through the helpful lens of focusing on what matters, what you can control and what might otherwise blindside you. Here are just a few of the highlights:

1. Create a document organizer, using our workbook, Dropbox, Google Docs, or a commercially available storage solution like FIDSAFE.

2. Don't forget your Digital Assets - things like computer hardware, devices, data, online accounts, online businesses, intellectual property, etc. Begin an inventory, including passwords and log-in information.

3. Consider who you'd want to make health care decisions for you if you were unable, and what you'd want them to say on your behalf. Then chose a form of Advance Directive and Health Care Proxy (valid in your state) from the many options provided in the presentation. The forms are quick and simple; this is a gift to your loved ones that will help you sleep better at night.

4. Consider options for Financial Powers of Attorney: WHO you would want to act as agent to manage your financial matters if you couldn't? WHAT you would want them to do?

Stay focused on the stuff that matters. Pick one action item. It's about the process, not perfection. If you take away a new awareness and do one new thing, you're way ahead of the game! And if you haven’t registered yet, don’t worry. Everything you'll need, including webinar recordings, our workbook, spreadsheets and chat transcripts are uploaded and available to the class and all new registrants. Learn more. Worry less!

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