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What if we recharged ourselves as often as our phones?

Woman's Compass Forum

Updated: Nov 11, 2020

What a week! We’ve taken a welcomed step back from doom-scrolling and vote-counting, heaving a huge collective sigh of relief. Now's the perfect time to talk about recharging and refueling. Do you feel drained by the end of the day? (Heck, I often feel drained by noon!) We don't expect our phones to work without batteries; we plug them in daily. How do we expect our minds/bodies to function optimally at work, relationships or basic life management if we don’t recharge regularly?

No time to meditate, exercise or eat well? Think about combining. A meditative walk outside will meet all three goals -- movement, mindfulness and absorption of Vitamin D! Apparently, vice president-elect Kamala Harris was walking with her husband when the election was called on Saturday. If she could make time for exercise, we can too!!

Exercise and meditation are good ... we get this. But we don’t necessarily act on what we know and, more importantly, don’t understand the many other ways we could be supporting our bodies and minds. Michelle’s webinar connected all those dots, covering sleep, hydration, movement, meditation, productive conversations, pantry stocking, meal planning, gut health and supplements. What’s more, we saw how mind/body wellness, money and law interrelate and inform our lives. Whether it’s meal planning on a budget, learning how to have difficult conversations around money or end of life issues, or Supreme Court arguments on the Affordable Care Act – we are integrating these 3 areas every day.

It’s a lot to digest (pun intended), but here are a few key takeaways:

  • Exercise in the morning – Studies show that you will sleep better at night if you have a morning exercise routine.

  • Turn down the temperature - believe it or not, optimal sleep temperature should be in the low to mid 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Olive oil is a pantry staple. When buying, look for seals of quality and certified origin, such as: 100% Qualita Italiana (for Italy), California Olive Oil Commission (COOC) 100% Certified Extra Virgin seal, North American Olive Oil Association’s NAOOA Certified Oil, or the seal from the International Olive Council (IOC).

  • Pick a time of day and try to sit for at least 5 -10 minutes five times a week. Use an app like Calm for a guided meditation or follow guidance from Sally Kempton’s book.

Think about the difficult conversations you need to have with family, friends and yourself about your wellness, money and legal issues. The most important person to have this conversation with is YOURSELF! Recharge and be powerful with Woman's Compass Forum.

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